Fencing the Thin Man

Welcome to the current website for the Fencing the Thin Man film project. As you may have noticed, our budget at the moment is rather small. Of course, we're an indie film in early pre-production, so what do you want? If you have any questions, comments, complaints, witty suggestions, or simply want to know if another person exists you can e-mail us at fencingthethinman@hotmail.com

Thursday, October 21, 2004


We now have one actor on staff, another possible. Both have stipulations about kissing on camera, which is no big deal because this isn't a kissing film(feel free to quote The Princess Bride). We also have a Latte-getter, so all is good.
-The Management


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go actors! We (or is it just me?) rock! Hey, if no one else signs up, can I do it all myself? That'd be fun!


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