Fencing the Thin Man

Welcome to the current website for the Fencing the Thin Man film project. As you may have noticed, our budget at the moment is rather small. Of course, we're an indie film in early pre-production, so what do you want? If you have any questions, comments, complaints, witty suggestions, or simply want to know if another person exists you can e-mail us at fencingthethinman@hotmail.com

Thursday, November 18, 2004


I have not touched the script in almost three weeks. I blame other projects and the company of good friends(I'd blame wine, but I don't drink). Anyway, I hope to have a plot summary(or at least a teaser) up by the end of the year. Stay tuned for further bulletins.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Scripts and Actors

Five pages of script have been submitted to a psuedo peer review and another person has expressed interest in acting in the project. So far, things are looking up(except for money, which is somewhere around non-existent).